

Dooley是一個結合時尚與潮流的藝人,從小音樂底子建立於福音音樂的侍奉基礎上,Dooley的音樂充滿能量和活力,正如Dooley本人一樣幽默、前衛、充滿魅力,擅長演唱R&B、Jazz及中英文流行歌曲的Dooley已建立一群龐大的粉絲群,也是值得推薦的好歌手。 The stylish singer, Dooley, diligently developed his vocal experience by singing gospel music since childhood. Dooleys voice resonates with power and liveliness no matter if hes performing R&B, Jazz, Chinese or American pop. Alike his passion for music, his humorous, progressive, and charming personality has made him a popular singer with a growing population of fans. We recommend Dooley as your top choice if you like a stimulating and cheerful atmosphere for your event!


Dooley|活動樂團|婚禮樂團|活動歌手|婚禮歌手 was last modified: 22 4 月, 2021 by sobouser