來自荷蘭的爵士歌手Yan,具有外國人的紳士風度,個性親切,自然且隨和,擅長用輕快的經典爵士曲目與來賓互動,也是深受賓客喜愛的歌手之一,將多年的演唱經驗及爵士的精髓帶到您的宴會中,讓您有個不一樣的音樂饗宴。 Yan, a Jazz singer originating from Holland is a gentleman that is favorable due to his friendly, down-to-earth, and chilled-out personality. Yan engages with his audience using popular Jazz music while skillfully drawing the audience into the music. Beloved by many, Yan will bring an extraordinary sensation to you through his music!
Yan|活動樂團|婚禮樂團|活動歌手|婚禮歌手 was last modified: 22 4 月, 2021 by sobouser