從事音樂人生旅已逾二十多年的Adam,曾在歐洲及美國各大國家音樂廳帶來精湛的表演,喜愛音樂的他擅長演唱爵士樂及鄉村音樂,同時也是一位鼓手及吉他手,多才多藝的Adam將每一場表演都像藝術般呈現,將最棒的音樂注入自己的靈魂讓聽眾都能一起共享,Adam的嗓音最特別之處就是細微色調中帶有溫暖的擁抱,是值得一再回味及推薦的好聲音~! Having been in the music industry for more than 20 years, Adam has professionally performed live in various concert halls in both Europe and America. Our singer loves and is skilled at singing/performing Jazz and country music. Not only does he sing, he is also a breath-taking guitarist and drummer. Adam’s music seeps into his soul and stirs resonance in his audience, allowing for his audience to just enjoy! Adam’s gentle and soothing voice embraces you with warmth. This talented singer and instrumentalist delivers tasteful and artistic performance every time. If this is the style and music genre you are looking for, we recommend this performer to you!
Adam|活動樂團|婚禮樂團|活動歌手|婚禮歌手 was last modified: 22 4 月, 2021 by sobouser