

Brandon來自加拿大,曾拍過無數支廣告,是您一眼就可認出的熟面孔,個性熱情如火的他,擅長帶動現場氣氛,可演唱歌曲有中文及英文流行歌,娶台 灣老婆的他連台語歌也難不倒,想要有一個難忘的活動,找他表演就對了。 Brandon originates from Canada. You might have seen him because he has acted in a variety of commercials. With a passionate and out-going personality, his music brings the house down during his performances. Brandon can also sing both English and Chinese pop songs. Having married a Taiwanese wife, he can also perform Taiwanese songs. If you’d like to have an unforgettable event, Brandon is the singer for you!


Brandon|活動樂團|婚禮樂團|活動歌手|婚禮歌手 was last modified: 22 4 月, 2021 by sobouser