聲音低沉有磁性的Thomas,不僅是爵士歌手,更是位長號樂手,在爵士樂裡,長號也是常見的樂器,其「滑音」(glissando),是長號獨特的吹奏方式,更常帶來令聽眾驚奇與歡樂的效果。而Thomas就是其箇中好手,表演經驗豐富極具舞台魅力的他,一定能為您帶來意想不到的音樂之旅。 Musician Thomas performs Jazz with a deep, soulful and gravelly voice who also skillfully plays the trombone. Trombone is an instrument commonly seen in Jazz music. Trombone’s musical technique, Glissando, which entails gliding from one pitch to another, often brings a surprising and joyous element to the audience. Professional and delightful on stage, Thomas will lead you on a musical journey that will be unforgettable!
Thomas|活動樂團|婚禮樂團|活動歌手|婚禮歌手 was last modified: 22 4 月, 2021 by sobouser