

擅長曲風從流行,爵士,拉丁,搖滾,甚至是懷舊名曲,經典民歌,舞曲,都可以完整呈現。尤其以完美合音詮釋經典作品,更是大受好評,奪得滿堂彩。亦具備超強親和力的熱鬧互動表演,以專業帶給現場朋友絕對值得的音樂饗宴。 Marinda brings to you a variety of music genre from pop, jazz, latin, rock, the classics, and even folksongs! Her ability to perfectly harmonize in songs brings delight in the hearts of her audience. Her friendly and passionate personality brings to the audience an intimate but lively interaction and performance. Marinda is definitely a performer that presents both professionism and passion to you and your guests!


Marinda|活動樂團|婚禮樂團|活動歌手|婚禮歌手 was last modified: 22 4 月, 2021 by sobouser